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The Tramp
Maggio 10, 2006, 23:48:02 pm
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Press Release

EMBARGO DATE ON 10/05/2006 15:00 CET

Third year of International Engine of Year awards for Prius

Decisive winner in two major categories

? Hybrid Synergy Drive(r) "best for fuel economy"
? Best 1.4-1.8 litre engine
? Record breaking run for Prius

For the third year in succession, the 1.5-litre petrol engine of the Hybrid
Synergy Drive(r) has won best 1.4-1.8-litre engine in the awards and has also been named 'Best Fuel Economy' for its application in the Toyota
Prius. This means the Hybrid Synergy Drive(r) has won both categories every year since it was launched in the second generation Prius in 2004.
The Hybrid Synergy Drive(r) was a decisive winner in both categories and drew praise from the international jury for "a brilliant technical achievement". Other judges also noted the success of the Hybrid Synergy Drive(r) in delivering "real world fuel economy".
Thierry Dombreval, Toyota Motor Marketing Europe's Executive Vice President and COO, said: "At a time when energy prices are soaring, Toyota's commitment to Hybrid Synergy Drive(r) is receiving further
acknowledgment with this prestigious award. This encourages us in our belief that the Toyota Prius is a real world solution for customers who want better fuel economy and low CO2 together with driving pleasure."
Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA
Avenue du Bourget 60 - Bourgetlaan 60
B-1140 Brussels

In addition to the record-breaking third year of outright wins in these two
categories, the Toyota Prius has also set another record with no fewer than 11 wins over its two generations:

Toyota Prius

2006 Best Fuel Economy
Best 1.4-1.8-litre Engine
2005 Best Fuel Economy
Best 1.4-1.8-litre Engine
2004 International Engine of the Year 2004
Best New Engine
Best Fuel Economy
Best 1.4-1.8-litre Engine
2002 -
2000 Best Eco-Friendly
1999 Best Eco-Friendly
Best 1.4-1.8-litre Engine

Since 1997, Toyota sold 613,300 hybrid vehicles around the world. In Europe, Prius sales have considerably increased, jumping from 8,136 units in 2004 to 18,886 in 2005 (+132%), and are forecast to exceed 25,000
this year.

About the awards

The results of the International Engine of the Year Awards 2006 were decidedby a panel of 61 automotive journalists from 29 countries.
The awards have been held since 1999 and reward the best engines available on the market. Every engine in mass-production installed in a production car on sale in more than one country is eligible. There are 12 categories to distinguish engines by size, fuel economy and performance.
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