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   2006 Shelby CS6 Mustang   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Novembre 08, 2005, 09:42:01 am
webmaster, V12, 50876 posts
Nuova versione della Mustang Shelby... questa volta e' toccatto al V6, che tra le tante modifiche, ha beneficiato dell'innesto di un compressore volumetrico che porta la potenza a 350cv.

Shelby CS6 Press Release
LAS VEGAS, Nov. 2 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Big block and small block V8 owners of all types may want to take a second look the next time a "V6" Mustang pulls up to the light as Carroll Shelby International Inc's wholly owned subsidiary Shelby Automobiles, Inc. announces the new Shelby CS 6 Mustang concept vehicle. Shelby Automobiles, known for speed and performance through the leadership of legendary racecar driver and Cobra creator Carroll Shelby, will offer a modified V6-engined 2006 Ford Mustang, dubbed the CS 6. Packed with a NOVI-1200 Supercharger from Paxton Automotive Corp., the CS 6 is destined to be the next great sports car from Shelby Automobiles pumping out an incredible 350+ horsepower. The Shelby CS 6 will be introduced at the Vortech/Paxton Booth during the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show in Las Vegas.

The CS 6 features a Shelby-exclusive Paxton NOVI-1200 Centrifugal Supercharger, unsurpassed in high performance, reliability and quiet operation. The bolt-on NOVI-1200 is based on Paxton's race-proven gear case, helical-cut gears constructed from billet-steel, aerospace-quality high-speed bearings and an air/water charge cooler. The CS 6 will be one of the most powerful supercharger kits for the V6 Mustang available on the market and its 350+ HP is a significant increase over the 210 HP of the stock Mustang and the GT version.

"Shelby Automotive is excited to offer the CS 6 with a focus on balance, performance and affordability," said Amy Boylan, President of Shelby Automobiles. "With the Paxton Supercharger, the suspension modifications and the subtle cosmetic enhancements, the CS 6 will remind enthusiasts of the old GT350 -- fast and strong but light on its feet. There is going to be a lot of excitement from speed aficionados when the CS 6 hits the market."

2005 marks the 40th Anniversary of the Paxton-supercharged Shelby Mustang legacy dating back to the famed GT350 and GT500 programs in the late 1960's. In 1965, Carroll Shelby fitted a prototype Paxton Supercharger to the GT350 starting the Shelby/Paxton relationship. Eleven total Paxton supercharger kits were installed by the Shelby factory and a number of additional kits were sold to customers for retro installation. The CS 6 stands poised to continue the great Shelby/Paxton tradition of producing consummate performance-modified autos.

The Shelby CS 6 is racing-styled in the custom of great Shelby cars from the past but updated to create a unique and modern design. Among the interior and exterior modifications to the CS 6:

Custom hood
Custom brakes
Custom 20" American Racing wheels
Shelby Automobiles badging

Available in the first part of 2006, the Shelby CS 6 will be sold through Shelby Automobiles Las Vegas headquarters and a national dealer network. Interested buyers can contact Shelby Automobiles at (702) 942-7325 or visit the company's web site at www.shelbyautos.com for more info.

Source: Carroll Shelby International, Inc.

Kia Sorento = Oso nei Kart
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   Re: 2006 Shelby CS6 Mustang   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Novembre 08, 2005, 09:43:52 am
Utente standard, V12, 33886 posts

vedi? va guidata col cappello! sarà contento Cizu... Grin
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   Re: 2006 Shelby CS6 Mustang   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Novembre 08, 2005, 09:44:28 am
webmaster, V12, 50876 posts
vedi? va guidata col cappello! sarà contento Cizu... Grin

Va che quello e' Mr. Shelby  Grin

Kia Sorento = Oso nei Kart
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   Re: 2006 Shelby CS6 Mustang   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Novembre 08, 2005, 09:48:20 am
Utente standard, V12, 33886 posts
Va che quello e' Mr. Shelby Grin

lo so, peggio per tutti: chi più autorevole di lui? Grin
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   Re: 2006 Shelby CS6 Mustang   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Novembre 08, 2005, 09:48:45 am
Visitatore, , posts
Preferisco le saleen....

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   Re: 2006 Shelby CS6 Mustang   Vai Giù Vai Su Le News Indice del forum
Emi ...e quattro!
Novembre 08, 2005, 10:56:05 am
Utente standard, V12, 58207 posts
beddddddiiiiisssssssiiiiima Cool

"Casey è il pilota con il più grande talento che io abbia mai incontrato" JLorenzo, Stoner a Rossi “La tua ambizione è superiore al tuo talento”… mancherai Casey, per me sei a livello del mito Kevin
emi_kit@hotmail.com Guarda Profilo Email  Loggato 
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