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16  Motori / Mondo Auto / Re: Specchio delle mie brame, chi è il piu' verde del reame? il: Marzo 02, 2010, 17:38:12 pm
cioè stai dicendo che i tedeschi stanno cercando di sminuire l'importanza del CO2 perchè è argomento nel quale loro sono malmessi?
E' evidente!
il ciclo di misurazione del CO2 é uguale per tutti.
Sicuramente non è la perfezione ma ripeto è uguale per tutti.
Perchè non contestare anche i vari crash test?
17  Motori / Mondo Auto / Specchio delle mie brame, chi è il piu' verde del reame? il: Marzo 02, 2010, 17:17:50 pm
Domanda n°1:
Vi siete mai chiesti perchè Auto motor und sport ha fatto una campagna contro la misurazione del CO2  Huh

Domanda n°2:

Quanti in Italia sono a conoscenza della classifica delle marche "meno inquinanti" Huh


[i]Toyota closes gap on Fiat in Europe race for green lead[i]

TURIN – Toyota showed an impressive reduction in its fleet's average carbon dioxide emissions in 2009 and now trails No. 1 Fiat by a small margin in the race to be Europe's greenest brand.

Automakers competing in Europe are under pressure to reduce the emissions their cars produce ahead of stricter CO2 rules that start to take effect in 2012.

Toyota slashed its average CO2 emissions to 130.1 grams per kilometer last year from 144.9g/km in 2008. The reduction moved Toyota ahead of Citroen, Renault and Peugeot, according to data compiled by UK-based market researcher JATO Dynamics.

The Fiat remained No. 1 for the third year in a row by reducing its average CO2 emissions by 5.9g/km to 127.8g/km in 2009.

Toyota finished 2009 just 2.3g/km behind Fiat. In 2008, the Japanese automaker trailed Fiat by 11.2 g/km. (See table, below)

Toyota's average was helped by sales of the Toyota Prius gasoline-electric hybrid – Europe's greenest model with CO2 emissions of 95.6g/km, according to JATO's data. However, the Prius sells in small numbers so it does not provide as much of a benefit as a strong-selling model with slightly higher CO2 numbers such as the Yaris subcompact. Toyota's top-selling car was No. 1 in Europe with volume-weighted average CO2 emissions of 119.0g/km, according to JATO.

Trailing the Yaris was the second-ranked Fiat Panda minicar, which had an average CO2 of 119.9g/km in 2009.

Benefits of scrapping

The industry as a whole reduced its volume-weighted average CO2 emissions by 7.9g/km last year. That means that more than half of all cars sold in Europe now emit less than 140g/km, according to JATO. All automakers must decrease average CO2 emissions to 130g/km by 2015.

Scrapping incentives in the major European markets – Germany, France the UK, Italy and Spain – encouraged people to replace their old cars with newer, more fuel-efficient models.

The billions in financial subsidies given in the midst of a deep recession led to a huge sales increase for low-cost, low-CO2 models such as the Panda minicar and Yaris subcompact. Also driving sales of these cars was customer demand for "green" products.

“The marked reduction in average CO2 emissions is a consequence of changing buying habits and in particular, the downsizing to smaller, more economical cars, driven by scrappage incentives and recessionary uncertainties,” JATO head David Di Girolamo said in a statement.

Europe average CO2 emission by brand 2009 vs. 2008 in g/km
1. Fiat 127.8 133.7
2. Toyota 130.1 144.9
3. Peugeot 133.6 138.1
4. Renault 137.5 142.7
5. Citroen 137.9 142.4
6. Ford 140.0 147.8
7. Opel/Vauxhall 148.9 151.1
8. VW 150.4 158.8
9. Audi 160.9 n/a
10. Mercedes 176.4 185.0
Source: JATO Dynamics
18  Motori / Mondo Auto / Re: maserati: -40% di vendite ma sempre in attivo... il: Gennaio 15, 2010, 16:31:17 pm
Non so mai se fai il finto tonto, o sei davvero così innamorato del tuo ombelico da non ascoltare/leggere che te stesso..

Onestamente.. non mi interessa più sapere come la pensi.. vado a discutere con un muro, tanto in questa stanza ne ho 4 disponibili.

ti accompagno  Cheesy
19  Motori / Mondo Auto / Re: maserati: -40% di vendite ma sempre in attivo... il: Gennaio 15, 2010, 14:45:06 pm
e gli incentivi? e i protezionismi? madò mo vogliamo rigirare la storia d'italia...
Facciamo parte dell'unione europea da oramai 50 anni;
Per poter dare un giudizio costruttivo e non populista sulla storia d'Italia ed in particolare sulla FIAT, non pensi che sarebbe opportuno vedere come si sono comportati gli altri paesi membri dell'unione europea in questi ultimi 50 anni?
20  Motori / Mondo Auto / Re: maserati: -40% di vendite ma sempre in attivo... il: Gennaio 15, 2010, 14:39:52 pm
"C’è un terzo capitolo che ricorre molto in questi giorni. Si chiama cassa integrazione. A detta di molti  la Fiat si regge sui soldi erogati dall’Inps. Un vero paradosso.
E’ bene che si sappia che, dal 1999 al 2009 – cioè l’ultimo decennio,il più critico della storia Fiat - la differenza tra quanto il nostro Gruppo ha versato in soli
contributi di Cassa Integrazione all'Inps, è nettamente a favore dell'istituto di previdenza,con un saldo di 200 milioni di euro di Cig" pagate da Fiat e che possono essere destinate ai lavoratori di altre aziende in difficoltà.

Grazie. Molto interessante
21  Motori / Mondo Auto / Re: maserati: -40% di vendite ma sempre in attivo... il: Gennaio 15, 2010, 12:19:44 pm
un caffè che ti risponde "i contribuenti" Smiley
ma chi sono i contribuenti?
22  Motori / Mondo Auto / Re: maserati: -40% di vendite ma sempre in attivo... il: Gennaio 15, 2010, 11:18:09 am
la cassa integrazione non la paga la ditta.

e Viggi non sò se te ne intendi di bilanci , io nò.
Chi versa i soldi per la cassa integrazione?
23  Motori / Mondo Auto / Detroit news: confronto tra i due matrimoni della Chrysler il: Novembre 04, 2009, 17:13:28 pm
Interessante articolo sui due tipi di atteggiamenti secondo i dipendenti Chrysler intervistati dal detroit news:

Less culture clash with Fiat, Chrysler
Unlike merger with Daimler, sharing is cornerstone of deal
Alisa Priddle / The Detroit News
Employees of Chrysler Group LLC could be forgiven for being wary of their new Italian bosses.

Detroit's No. 3 carmaker has been under European rule before -- but the culture clash was too great, and the merger that created DaimlerChrysler AG ended badly.

Workers are more encouraged about their partnership with Italy's Fiat SpA.

No cash exchanged hands in the June 10 union; sharing and collaboration are the currency of this partnership. Government bailouts saved Chrysler, allowing it to emerge from bankruptcy, but the aid ends there. And now it is counting on its partnership with Fiat to become profitable again.

In these early days, cultural differences are not emerging as a divisive issue, say many employees, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

"There was a lot of fear and loathing under DaimlerChrysler, but this feels like a good partnership," said one employee.

"We're feeling more optimistic, like we're all in this together," said another. "Things are moving fast and it's contagious."

Employees and analysts say the Fiat hookup may read like deja vu on paper, but key differences may prevent a culture clash from scuttling efforts to succeed.

There are far fewer Fiat executives in Auburn Hills than the number of Daimler colleagues here in 1998; the new Italian managers show a greater willingness to work together and Chrysler's situation is more dire today.

Different attitude at Fiat
The attitude of the partners could not be more different.

Daimler was "deathly afraid of diluting the Mercedes brand," said Joe Phillippi, analyst with AutoTends Consulting Inc. in Short Hills, N.J. "Brand bibles" were established with rules to preserve Mercedes' sanctity, and Daimler never recognized that Chrysler had anything world class worth adopting. Even seemingly twin vehicles such as the Chrysler Pacifica and Mercedes R-Class did not share components, and Mercedes tried to play down elements of the Mercedes SLK in the Chrysler Crossfire. Hard feelings linger today, as Mercedes has taken back the Sprinter van from Dodge and the two automakers are sparring over supply contracts in court.

"The Daimler people felt superior and that came through at decision-making time," said Gerald Meyers, a University of Michigan professor, former chairman of American Motors Corp. and retired Chrysler executive. "The company was being structured by Daimler and the Chrysler people didn't like being put in a straitjacket."

The failure to work well together under DaimlerChrysler was not just on the Daimler side, said Mike Aberlich, a 24-year veteran who rose to head of Chrysler communications until his retirement in December 2007.

"People on both sides were not willing or ready to accept each other," he said.

The divisiveness prevented the merged company from reaching its potential, Phillippi said. Chrysler operated as a separate entity until Daimler sold a majority stake to Cerberus Capital Investment LP in 2007 and divested the last of its shares when Chrysler declared bankruptcy.

So far, similar fears are not arising under Fiat management.

"It's a partnership of inclusion," said an employee from the product side of the business. "The Fiat people are saying, here are our platforms and technologies -- what do you want?"

Ken Lewenza, president of the Canadian Auto Workers, agreed. He met recently with Fiat and Chrysler Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne and said he was struck by the CEO's confidence in plans that call for the two companies to merge their strengths -- and by the underlying threat that this is the only option.

Today there also are fewer Fiat executives at Chrysler than there were with Daimler.

There is Marchionne as CEO and board member and board member Alfredo Altavilla. Olivier Francois heads the Chrysler brand and global marketing, Pietro Gorlier leads Mopar, Paolo Ferrero is in charge of powertrain, Richard Palmer is chief financial officer, and Gualberto Ranieri runs communications. Down a management tier, Mauro Pierallini is head of systems and component engineering.

Fewer Fiat executives here
With so few Fiat executives in Auburn Hills, a culture clash is almost a nonissue, Ranieri said.

There has been trans-Atlantic travel as Chrysler and Fiat engineers and designers develop products together, but it is limited under strict travel restrictions to keep cost down, Ranieri said.

It is a far cry from the DaimlerChrysler days when the company jet shuttled employees round trip between Pontiac and Stuttgart three times a week -- five return trips in busy times, said former Chrysler communications chief Mike Aberlich.

He remembers hundreds of Daimler counterparts in Auburn Hills at any given time.

Americans took German lessons while constantly looking over their shoulder.

"People feared they would be out of a job to their German counterpart and best practice meant their practice," said an employee.

Still, misunderstandings are inevitable.

"Culturally, you're still looking at an American company entrenched in North America and an Italian company entrenched in Italy," said Rebecca Lindland, director of automotive industry research for IHS Global Insight in Lexington, Mass.

Each has its quirks.

One employee told of Americans visiting Italy, ready for meetings at 7 a.m. while their Italian counterparts tended to start later and expected to continue through 10 p.m. dinners -- bedtime to Auburn Hills colleagues.

There is also the challenge of working to put small cars into dealerships that celebrate the Hemi V-8 and helping Fiat executives understand the importance and popularity of pickups and minivans the size of a small Italian apartment, Lindland said.

But early reports stress any differences are being overridden by the amount of work to be done and the intensity with which Chrysler is being restructured.

And with Fiat, there is a better understanding of their goals than with Daimler, Lindland said.

The jury's still out as to whether the melding of these two companies and cultures will yield success, said former Chrysler executive Gerald Meyers.

Chrysler unveils its five-year business and product plan Wednesday. Signs of accomplishment within the next month will determine how well Chrysler employees accept the new status quo, he said. "If they don't see success, there will be a culture clash," Meyers said.

24  Motori / Mondo Auto / Re: Sfida alla patente piu' vecchia e a quella piu' giovane il: Settembre 25, 2009, 11:55:00 am
attendiamo Claudio (che dovrebbe essere tuo coetaneo, ma magari più giovane di qualche mese) e soprattutto il mitico Lou, che stenderà tutti!
non so Lou ma claudio non è nato nel 53?
io sono di ottobre 52  Cry Cry
25  Motori / Mondo Auto / Re: Sfida alla patente piu' vecchia e a quella piu' giovane il: Settembre 25, 2009, 11:50:46 am
Compuiti i 18 anni nel lontano 16-12- 1975 conseguii al primo tentativo la patente B e due anni dopo cosi usava a quei tempi ho conseguito dopo tre guide la terza era l'esame 7-settembre 1977 la patente C ( per ora il vegliardo sono io) Shocked Shocked Shocked Grin
Siete tutti dei pivellini  ahimè Grin
 La mia patente è datata
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
26  Motori / Mondo Auto / Re: Affidabilità secondo Auto Bild: 100.000 km il: Settembre 23, 2009, 14:32:19 pm
IMHO molti non vedono l'immagine... io non so perché, ma non la vedo.
nemmeno se clicchi sul link?
27  Motori / Mondo Auto / Re: Affidabilità secondo Auto Bild: 100.000 km il: Settembre 23, 2009, 14:26:07 pm
Manca Stella...
ma come mai le auto VAG sono sottolineate? E' un messaggio subliminale?  Shocked
Faceva parte dell'articolo sul confronto tra VW e Audi e della qualità in generale delle gruppo VW.
sono quindi evidenziate dalla rivista le auto del gruppo
28  Motori / Mondo Auto / Re: Affidabilità secondo Auto Bild: 100.000 km il: Settembre 23, 2009, 14:17:39 pm
se vai arileggere i post passati , c'è un mio intervendo subito dopo pasqua in cui lamento quanto faccia cagare e quanto consumi la touran ...mi hanno preso per scemo  ma ribadisco , a pieno carico consuma come un camion ed ha prestazioni simili ad un mezzo pesante davvero sia in frenata che in accelerazione
Che strano pubblicando questo articolo , pensavo di scatenare una lunga discussione!!
Bisogna forse concludere che i pregiudizi (in bene o in male) sono duri da morire?
29  Motori / Mondo Auto / Re: Affidabilità secondo Auto Bild: 100.000 km il: Settembre 22, 2009, 11:31:40 am
la classifica, però è riportata in maniera assai curiosa...

che sono quei "punkte"? E la voce "note"? Poi mancano parecchie posizioni... Per esempio sarei curioso di sapere come si posiziona il 1.9jtd...

Se volete andare a vedere in dettaglio queste prove andate sul sito di autobild
Questo l'indirizzo per tutte le prove di durata effettuate:
dauertest significa test di durata
e questo è il risutato catastrofico della touran:

Sono sicuro che Jimbo si farà un piacere a tradurre Cheesy Cheesy
30  Motori / Mondo Auto / Re: Auto Bild confronta VW e AUDI il: Settembre 18, 2009, 14:53:32 pm
Ho scannerizzato le 11 pagine.
Chi le vuole me le chieda  Huh
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